Remember to be Playful!
✨Remember to be Playful✨
The ultimate enlightenment is returning to look at the world through the eyes of a child.
🌺 Drop the judgment, it really doesn’t serve anyone, especially not the person doing the judgement.
🌺 See everything and everyone as if seeing them for the first time, meaning you practice being present in the here and now without conditioning your perception of the reality with anything that is not real in this moment.
🌺 Forgive with an open heart but remember the lesson. Forgiving a terrible deed doesn’t make it ok or gives it the permission to be repeated – it means we have learned the lesson and know how to prevent such an event from repeating itself. Ultimately the person we truly need to forgive is ourselves.
🌺 Dance through life following the beat of your heart – teach your mind that its purpose is to help you live your heart’s desires and not sabotage them! Only by listening to your heart you will know what is actually right for you.
🌺 And ultimately remember to be You – do You – love You – choose You! A healthy selfishness can go a long way in saving the World.
Sending you much love and joy ♥️