Grace is a strength of the heart!

Being graceful can be a personal character trait or a talent of the soul. However, it can also be a choice. Choosing to act with grace, especially when we get hurt tells a lot about how we love; how we love ourselves and how we love others. When somebody hurts you or triggers a latent pain inside you, it can be a defensive response to leash out and hurt in return. Sometimes we may do it immediately and other times the pain may simmer for a while until our “leashing out” may come in a premeditated, sometimes very subtle, attack that we justify as appropriate because of the pain that was inflicted on us.
Why is it that we might feel the need to defend ourselves? Because we misunderstand the attack being on us whereas it was always about the person inflicting it. It is our choice if we succumb to the power of the victim and see it as an attack on us or rather as the person expressing their own pain on others. This doesn’t excuse the “attacker” or means that we shouldn’t defend ourselves with healthy boundaries – it simply means: do not engage in this energy if you do not want to be a part of it.
When you love yourself, nobody should have the power to convince you that you are unworthy of that love. And if you stay faithful to this belief – that you are indeed worthy of love – then, when somebody hurts you, voluntarily or involuntarily, it becomes much easier to stay in the frequency of Grace instead of lowering your frequency to that of the victim who’s not receiving the desired love and respect.
Grace is when we are able to rise above the dynamic and feel compassion and understanding for the person, not allowing the pain we might feel to guide our actions, but rather follow the strength of our heart and show kindness and non-judgement in a situation when we might be tempted to choose violence – be it physical or energetic, for words can sometimes be just as violent and inflict just as much pain.
Being graceful can be such a strong healing power for you, for the person you are being graceful to and for the whole Universe, for there is such power in the frequency of Grace. In a heartbeat it can elevate you into the heavens and bring the heavens onto you.
So, be graceful. For your sake, for the sake of the people you care about. And for the sake of this world’s healing.
With much love and grace,