May your Beauty set you Free!

What if for just a moment I allowed myself to feel completely free?
What if I lay down my arms and just breathe and be ME?
We are constantly fighting so many battles within us in order to set us free from what we perceive as captivity; be it from certain beliefs, be it from relationships, be it from our jobs, from the expectations we have for ourselves,….so many ways in which we are constantly fighting for our freedom and inner peace.
What if for a moment I just allowed myself to breathe and be ME, whatever and whoever ME is? And if that were totally OK?
What if:
It’s OK to be frustrated!
It’s OK to be sad!
It’s OK to be happy!
It’s OK to be angry!
It’s OK not to be perfect!
It’s OK not to make everyone happy!
It’s OK if I am tired!
It’s OK if I want more!
It’s OK if I want a change!
It’s OK if now I can’t do anything but breathe and just BE!
What if in order to be able to give birth to that reality I so desire I would be required to first accept and love myself and recognize the beauty of ME. And in that instant moment when I let my breath out in complete surrender to my feelings, my being, my beauty; in that moment I were able to create a whole new reality, the one I have been dreaming about all along? And what if all it would take is just to feel free, just for a moment to surrender myself and just allow myself to be? And what if in the absence of effort and conflict by letting go of control for just that little moment, everything might just set into the right place and create a sense of inner enlightenment that would birth a new reality?
Would you try it? Just for a moment, to just BREATHE and BE?
May you all be inspired to see the Beauty within you and may your Beauty set you Free!
Happy Summer Solstice dear souls!