Mirror mirror on the wall...
...what is real and what is not?

Mirror mirror on the wall…what is real and what is not? Where does my truth begin and the truth that others are trying to make me believe end?
When in doubt of what is real try following Descartes’s method of doubt and put under question your entire belief system and that of the world that surrounds you till nothing will make sense anymore and that is when true sense will begin to return until finally everything has its own reason. Like in the archetypal story of Alice in Wonderland, where you are invited to be courageous and allow yourself to question everything you believe right now to be the absolute truth. Question it, turn it upside down, look at it from different perspectives and allow yourself to find other truths, new dimensions of thought and reality that may open up doors to new ways of living that will bring you closer to yourself and the life you truly want to be living.
It takes a lot of courage to go down the rabbit hole of one’s existence never really knowing what one might find or experience. The so called “rabbit hole” has the power to turn our lives upside down and question everything we believe in so that it may help us find what we truly full heartly believe to be our truth. And when you find your truth, trust it, have faith in it and do not allow anybody to take it from you by trying to sell you their own truths, for what is truly real is what you choose to be real for you, however, the choice needs to be done by your heart, and not a conditioned belief.
Sometimes all we need is a little bit of chaos to make order in our lives.
May you all find your inner truths and harmoniously bring them into existence in the physical world. And remember, you are allowed to choose!
With love,