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Pleasure for Pleasure!

When Life turns you ON!

How many times do you allow yourself to do something for your pleasure, just for the sake of feeling pleasure?

We put a lot of effort into finding the right job, which we will enjoy and that will also produce an income. We might even be so lucky that our job does indeed give us a lot of pleasure.

We might also put effort into finding the right hobby or sport that we enjoy and that will keep us in good form and shape and maybe help us relax and deal with the everyday stress we might be feeling.

But how many times do we choose to do something just for the sake of having fun? Pure, simple Fun.

You might find yourself doing things that make you feel good but do they also excite you? Do they ignite a spark of joy and pleasure within your body making you feel alive, present, and make your inner child burst with joy?

Does it turn you on?

A figure of speech usually used in a more sexual context, however, sex and sexual attraction is not the only thing that can turn you on!

Sexual energy is one of the most vital energies that stream through our bodies reminding us that we Can be turned on and not just by an attractive partner, but you Can be turned on by Life.

Having a job that gives you pleasure and turns you on is fantastic! But it is just as important to find that thing that wakes up your inner child with joy and excitement for the pure purpose of just having fun.

These actions bring so much healing to the soul and to your body and your whole person. Because it reminds you that you are not alive just to be functional, to be productive, but you are also alive to simply live and truly enjoy this living.

And this joyful living that turns you ON, that ignites you with passion and love and joy is what can heal your deepest wounds and truly fuel you with inspiration and motivation towards your heart’s desires.

However, this pleasure must be free of conditionings. It mustn’t be allowed just as a reward or having to earn it like for example: “If I do all my work then I can allow myself this pleasure. Or, if I am allowing myself this pleasure then I better be good at it, show proper results or use it to help or teach others.”

Don’t try to give your pleasure a purpose aside from giving you true, genuine, joyful and healing pleasure.

My pleasure for pleasure (one of) is horseback riding. Always has been since I was a little girl. And yet, I went through a really long patch (about 15 years) without riding or having a proper contact with horses. How life can trick us into forgetting what makes us feel most alive. I would take my daughter to riding lessons and barely touch a horse – how disconnected I felt from allowing myself that genuine pleasure that I so cherished.

I invite you to do more of what turns you on and brings you genuine pleasure, and you will see how your ability to feel pleasure will expand in all the other spheres of your life. Be it your work, your family, your friends or your other hobbies.

So now I am really curious: what is Your Pleasure for Pleasure?

Sending you much love and sparkling joy,


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