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Emerald Business

Be your own strategic asset. Invest in your continuous growth.

At Emerald Counseling, we understand the complex challenges and pressures of the business world. That's why we've dedicated ourselves to offering a comprehensive range of Life Coaching and Counseling services designed to help you navigate the intricate landscape of your professional life.

Whether you're seeking guidance in your career transitionsdynamic strategies for exponential growth, in need for the tools in achieving harmonious work-life balance, aiming to significantly reduce stress, or eager to elevate your communication and negotiation skills, we are here to craft and support your success journey uniquely tailored to your personal aspirations.

Angelika Khon

Angelika is a Swiss entrepreneur and an accomplished professional with a dynamic foundation in political science, international management, and financial communication. Her academic excellence and diverse career experiences have shaped her into a versatile strategist adept at handling complex situations. Her diplomatic skills and multilingual abilities enhance her networking prowess, enabling her to explore and seize global opportunities effectively.
Individual Sessions with Angelika

How Angelika's expertise can contribute to Business 


Mastering the skills of soft sales and effective negotiations


Finding the balance between a successful career and fulfilling personal life 


Developing a conscious and strategic mind


Improving time and stress management 


Upgrading the professional image (self presentation, public speaking, pitch delivery)
Shifting career in a desired direction (career advisory and interview preparation)

Lien Simcic

Lien is a Swiss based entrepreneur and former Managing Director at Esimit Europa's Marketing, PR, and Events department. Her unparalleled dedication to perfection in every facet of a company's operations sets the foundation for her successful transition into a Holistic Counselor and Soulologist. With a rich background in corporate organization, human resources, and event management - Lien masterfully blends her business acumen with counseling techniques. Through this unique approach, she aligns individuals' life purposes and soul missions with their business aspirations and personal fulfillment, paving the way for a harmonious, joyful and prosperous journey.


Individual Sessions with Lien

How Lien's expertise can contribute to Business


By helping you align your career paths with your values and life purpose.


Teaching methods such as meditation, mindfulness, breathing exercises and many more to manage stress effectively.
Preventing burnouts with deep energy and healing modalities to address emotional and physical imbalances.
Inspiring business leaders to apply holistic principles to enhance leadership effectiveness and organisational health.

Would you like to know more about how Emerald Counseling can support your Business endeavours?


Do not hesitate to contact us for an individually tailored offer.

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