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Emerald Education

Nurturing courage and empowering young minds and hearts.

At Emerald Counseling we embrace the philosophy that education extends far beyond the traditional classroom, we are committed to nurturing the holistic development of children, adolescents, and their parents.

In the multiplex landscape of life's challenges and transitions, our mission is to guide the younger generation towards becoming well-rounded, resilient and happy individuals. 

Our Life Coaching and Counseling approach is designed to meet the specific needs of every individual and family we work with. 

Angelika Khon


Angelika, as a global-educated entrepreneur and Life Coach with a diverse background in politics, business management, financial communication, languages and more, sees the learning not as a task but as a lifestyle - a continuous journey of growth and discovery. Angelika is committed to inspiring and navigating high school and university students during their transitional period to adulthood by blending their essential life skills with the academic development.
Individual Sessions with Angelika

How Angelika's expertise can contribute to Education

Reveals students’ authenticity, strengths and talents.
Assists students in developing clearer vision for their future careers.
Cultivates mature and mindful mindset.
Fosters effective communication with peers, parents and society as a whole
Reinforces students’ confidence and self-presentation skills (pitch delivery, public speaking, interview preparation).
Assists parents to unite with their children.

Lien Simcic

Lien is also an Educational Pedagogical Coach, and plays a crucial role in revolutionizing education. She collaborates closely with children, parents, and educators, aiming to nurture a child's well-being and inner truth. Her approach is focused on empowering children to become self-aware adults who are confident in their dreams and capable of achieving them without the burden of harmful conditionings. Contemporary insights reveal outdated educational models often hinder children's growth, fostering trauma and limiting their potential. Lien’s philosophy counters this by valuing each child’s unique capabilities and encouraging them to embrace their authenticity, even if it challenges societal norms.
Individual Sessions with Lien

How Lien's expertise can contribute to Education


Helps institutions in creating more holistic, inclusive and creative learning environments.
Supports teachers in building cohesive, comprehensive curricula that includes the child’s emotional, social, and cognitive development.
Helps adolescents explore their passions and talents, advising on potential paths that align with their true selves.
Provides tools for children and adults to navigate disagreements and misunderstandings with understanding and compassion.

Would you like to know more about how Emerald Counseling can support you in the fields of Education?



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